Distance Learning Philippines -


Distance Learning Philippines

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Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) combines distance learning and personal instruction through the Online Blended Learning (OBL) Program. It aims to help students meet the demands of their career while developing themselves as professionals. Students stay open to self-education and retain confidence in them as lifelong learners facing the challenges of the 21st century. Students can still attend to their studies and even enjoy close connection with classmates and instructors via online mashups, video conferencing and web chats and instant messengers. Instructors work with students on their own time, pace, and convenience. With the Distance Learning program at Southville, students are introduced to a variety of digital learning schemes exclusive to the distance learning paradigm.

Higher Education (Masterals)

Am I eligible to apply for the program?

The program is open to students and professionals who live in provinces and abroad.  Those who are in Metro Manila and nearby cities are encouraged to enroll in the Face to Face set-up, however, for special cases such as students who are celebrities, government officials, and those with special medical needs, may also be considered for OBL.

Am I required to visit the school?

Students may be asked to visit the school as needed especially if the Dean feels that the students will need a face to face consultation for their major subjects.